МОСКВА, 28 декабря. /ТАСС/. Торжественное награждение личного состава танкового полка 90-й гвардейской танковой дивизии группировки войск «Центр» государственными наградами состоялось в одном из тыловых районов проведения специальной военной операции (СВО). Об этом сообщили в Минобороны РФ.
This Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) press release celebrates the award ceremony of a tank regiment within the Center military force, stationed during the ongoing Special Military Operation (SVO in Russia). Numerous soldiers were awarded medals for their courage, bravery, and heroism in combat. The MoD highlights this as a way to boost morale and recognize the contributions of its troops.
Essentially, the text emphasizes the valor of Russian soldiers in the SVO through a public display of recognition and reward.
This Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) press release celebrates the award ceremony of a tank regiment within the Center military force, stationed during the ongoing Special Military Operation (SVO in Russia). Numerous soldiers were awarded medals for their courage, bravery, and heroism in combat. The MoD highlights this as a way to boost morale and recognize the contributions of its troops. Essentially, the text emphasizes the valor of Russian soldiers in the SVO through a public display of recognition and reward.